
Basic Usage

The experiment package exposes the Application framework of Traitlets and extends it with other utilities to ease writing experiments in python.

The experiment package replaces the entry point of python script (typically a def main(...):) function with a subclass of the experiment.Experiment class. Here is the most basic way to use experiment in a project:

from experiment import Experiment

class Main(Experiment):
    """The entry point of the script is a class the inherits from
    ``experiment.Experiment`` or from one of its subclasses.

    # Script arguments are exposed as Trailtes class members.
    epochs = Int(100, config=True, help="Number of epochs")

    def run(self):
        """The script code starts here. The user should overwrite the ``run()`` method."""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main = Main()

The above code creates a unique results folder:


The first part of the path defaults to /tmp/results/ and can be set using the RESULTS_BASE environment variable. Next is the name of the script, followed by git commit hash, job id (in case the scripts is run using a job queue system). The last part of the path is a time signature. This method ensures a unique results folder even if several instances of the scripts are scheduled (by the jobs system) to run at the same time. Four files are created automatically in this folder:

  • cmdline.txt: a copy of the command (including arguments) used for running the script.
  • a config file that can be use to repeat the same experiment.
  • git_diff.txt: the output of running git diff in the base folder of the script.
  • script_log: a copy of the script logs (logs created through python logging mechanism).

The user can access the results folder by the self.results_path member of the experiment.Experiment object.

Here is an the example from the examples folder:

from experiment import Experiment
import logging
import time
from traitlets import Enum, Float, Int, Unicode
from tqdm import trange

class Main(Experiment):
    # Description of the experiment. Used in the help message.
    description = Unicode("Basic experiment.")

    # Parameters of experiment
    epochs = Int(100, config=True, help="Number of epochs")
    lr = Float(0.1, config=True, help="Learning rate of training")
    loss_type = Enum(("mse", "l1"), config=True, default_value="mse",
                      help="Loss type.")

    def run(self):
        """Running the experiment""""Starting experiment")"Using {} loss".format(self.loss_type))

        loss = 100
        for i in trange(self.epochs):
            loss = loss *
            time.sleep(.5)"Experiment finished")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main = Main()

The help of the script is automatically created from the help strings of the parameters:

$ python --help
Basic experiment.


Arguments that take values are actually convenience aliases to full
Configurables, whose aliases are listed on the help line. For more information
on full configurables, see '--help-all'.

--log-level=<Enum> (Application.log_level)
    Default: 30
    Choices: (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 'DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARN', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL')
    Set the log level by value or name.
--epochs=<Int> (Main.epochs)
    Default: 100
    Number of epochs
--loss_type=<Enum> (Main.loss_type)
    Default: 'mse'
    Choices: ('mse', 'l1')
    Loss type.
--lr=<Float> (
    Default: 0.1
    Learning rate of training

To see all available configurables, use `--help-all`

The user can set the script parameters from the command line:

$ python --lr 0.001 --epochs 40

The user can also rerun a previous experiment by the automatically created file:

$ python --Main.config_file <RESULTS FOLDER>/

Integration with mlflow

mlflow is a platform for running machine learning algorithms. To use experiment with mlflow (currnetly only the Tracking module of mlflow is supported) there is a need to replace experiment.Experiment with experiment.MLflowExperiment. This will automatically connect to a running mlflow server (the URL of the server can be set using the MLFLOW_SERVER environment variable). experiment will create a new mlflow experiment using the name of the script, and will log the script arguments as key-value parameters. See examples/ for a demonstration of using mlflow with experiment.

example of mlflow logs

Integration with visdom

visdom is a tool for live visualizations. experiment.VisdomExperiment simplifies the use of visdom together with the experiment package. When run, the script automatically connects to a visdom server (the VISDOM_SERVER_URL, VISDOM_USERNAME, and VISDOM_PASSWORD environment variables can be used to config the connection). A unique visdom environemnt is created per run (the name of the environment is set similarly to the results folder). The script parameters and logs are automatically saved as text windows. A separate window is created for monitoring GPU use. The experiment package also includes experiment.visdom.Line and experiment.visdom.Window to help in using visdom. It is also possible to use both mlflow and visdom. See examples/ for a demonstration of using visdom and mlflow with experiment.

The experiment.visdom module includes also support for visdom properties window. See examples/ and the documentation.

example of visdom logs

Integration with Tensorboard

Tensorboard is another tool for live visualizations. experiment.TensorboardXExperiment integrates with Tensorboard through TensorboardX. When run, the script automatically creates a unique tensorboard logdir and instantiates a tensorboard.SummaryWriter object. The script parameters and logs are saved as text summaries. The GPU usage is also monitored using scalar summary. It it also possible to use both mlflow and tensorboard. See examples/ for a demonstration of using tensorboard and mlflow with experiment.

example of tensorboard logs example of tensorboard configuration logs